Pastor Sheila R. Vitale has a new series of videos entitled Eternal Life And The Law.
Join Pastor Sheila R. Vitale for an enlightening discussion about the Epistles of Peter (1 Peter, Chapters 1-4).
And Cush Begat Nimrodnd Cush Begat Nimrod offers an unusual experience that begins with a look at faith from multiple dimen-sions, and then presents a unique spiritual view of the events sur-rounding Nimrod and the Tower of Babel. Topics include, How to Judge the World, The Fourth Beast, Enslaved By the World System, Division After The Flood, Let Us Make Brick and Hearing The Thoughts of Others.
Available on
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale discusses topics including Human Spirit, Holy Spirit, Universal Mind, Spiritual Truth and Spiritual Marriage in her latest inspiring and informative video:
In her video, Spiritual Principles & The Universal Language, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale discusses topics including Two Kinds of Kabbalah, Torah, New Age Kabbalah, Kosher Kabbalah, Curses, Spiritual Truth, Tower of Babel, Spiritual Principles, Repentance, Unification.
In Part 3 of her series, Enmerkar & The Lord Of Aratta, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale discusses topics including: Aratta, Inanna,God, Zohar, Alpha & Omega, Flood, Witchcraft, Kabbalah, Torah, New Age, Repentance.
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