Pastor Sheila R. Vitale presents an exhortation on Hebrews, Chapter 10.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale explores Numbers, Chapter 18 in her newest video.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale has a new message in two parts, Pick Up Your Bed And Walk.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale provides an inspirational message in her latest spontaneous message.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale invited Anthony Milton to preach his message entitled Come Now And Do What I Say. Topics include: Motived & Behavior, Secure Foundation, Witchcraft, Rebellion, Sin, Tomorrow Is Not Promised, and much more.
Tony Milton continues his series, The Three R's: Race, Racism & Racist. Topics include: Self-Assessment, Discrimination, Prejudice, Church, God, White Privilege, Declaration of Independence, and much more
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale has a new message about Noah.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale continues her series on the Five Stages of Messiah's Descent. Topics include: Tree of Life, Word of God, Unification, Moses, Jesus, Shimon bar Yochai, Isaac Luria, Incarnation, Right Order, Nukvah, Unholy Satanic Unification and more.
In her latest video, The Clash Of The Titans & Olympians, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale discusses Cosmic Beings, Jewish Philosophy, Resurrection of Adam, Antichrist Spirit and much more.
In Part 2 of her series entitled As In The Days Of Noah, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale of Living Epistles Ministries speaks about Sodom, Homosexuality, Noah, Jehovah, Lot, and much more.
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