Pastor Sheila R. Vitale invited Anthony Milton to preach his message entitled Come Now And Do What I Say. Topics include: Motived & Behavior, Secure Foundation, Witchcraft, Rebellion, Sin, Tomorrow Is Not Promised, and much more.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale explores the Witchcraft Power of the Saints in her latest video.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale presents a fascination discussion entitled: Creation & Idolatry.
In her latest video, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale discusses topics including Jewish Kabbalist, Antichrist, Spiritual Problems In The World, God's Army, Israel, Witchcraft, and much more.
In Part 3 of her series, Enmerkar & The Lord Of Aratta, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale discusses topics including: Aratta, Inanna,God, Zohar, Alpha & Omega, Flood, Witchcraft, Kabbalah, Torah, New Age, Repentance.
In Part 7 of her series, A Tale Of Two Cities, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale discusses topics including: Inanna, Shekinah, Adam, Christ Jesus, Occult Signs & Symbols, and much more. The video of this fascinating topic is available on our YouTube channel:
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale's book (Published by Living Epistles Ministries), A Study In Unconscious Mind Control, is now available on in both English and Spanish. A Study In Unconscious Mind Control discusses vicarious mental and spiritual experiences in Christ Jesus.
English: A Study In Unconscious Mind Control
Español: Un Estudio En Control Mental Inconsciente
A call has gone out to all witches to pray mass witchcraft attack against President Trump, starting midnight this Friday, and every night of the waning moon. I will be praying the Psalms against this attack.
A call has gone out to all witches to pray mass witchcraft attack against President Trump, starting midnight this Friday, and every night of the waning moon. I will be praying the Psalms against this attack.
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