
Displaying items by tag:Reading

Wednesday, 12 July 2017 14:09

New Books By Pastor Vitale

We are pleased to announce that the following new books by Pastor Sheila R. Vitale are available:


Adam's Failure or God's Plan???

Corinthian Confusion

Introducing Adam Kadmon

Jesus And The Learned Jew

The Lock & The Key

The Truth About Witchcraft


Pastor Vitale is the author of over 40 books in addition to her 1,000+ messages and YouTube videos.

Published in Latest news
Tuesday, 27 June 2017 15:16

Spiritual Literature

I received the book you are preaching about (The Voice of the Turtle Dove - Secret Doctrine of the Gaon of Vilna, Vol 1) yesterday, and started reading the introduction and background and skimmed some of the chapters. I was hoping there would be some teaching within. 


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