Lord Jesus Christ

Displaying items by tag:Lord Jesus Christ

Pastor Sheila R. Vitale continues her series on Zechariah, Chapter 14 - Alternate Translation with topics including: 3rd Day of Creation, Moral Response of God, Thin Stream of Light, Longevity, harlotry, Salvation and more.

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In Part 2 of her series on Zechariah, Chapter 14 - Alternate Translation, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale explores topics including: Lord Jesus Christ, National Israel, Spiritual Healing and the Promise To Be Made Holy.

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Join Pastor Sheila R. Vitale for the second part of her series, Introduction To The Epistles Of Peter. Part 2 discusses 1 Peter, Chapter 1.

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Pastor Sheila R. Vitale continues her message, So You Want To Be A Son Of God, Do You? In Part 2, she discusses Aliens, Esoteric Doctrine, Adam, and much more.

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Friday, 09 February 2018 13:29

Approaching The 7th Day - Sabbath Eve

Approaching The 7th Day - Sabbath Eve is the latest video message from Pastor Sheila R. Vitale. Topics for this series videos include: Primordial Kings; Root & Branches of Tree; Produce Leaves; Proof of Jesus; Birth Male Child; Seed of the Lord Jesus; Female Soul; Male offspring; Christ Jesus Unification; Breath; Fist of Connection; Earthen Vessel; Military Power of Soul; Human Spirit; Elohim Imparted His Essence; Evening of 7th Day; Stages of Development; National Israel sinned; Forgiveness; Hidden in Christ; Power in Humility; Limit God, David’s Crime, and much more.


The video can be viewed on our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ks_Bjz-48K8&index=2&list=PLoiWBP9W4k9mLaXLcv0HIHIa38jdtGYg5 

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Friday, 22 December 2017 13:59

A Little Bit About Reincarnation

Pastor Sheila R. Vitale has a fascinating new video called "A Little Bit About Reincarnation" which discusses the topics: Nullify Ego; Deny Self; Pride; Seed of Jesus; Bound to Empty Space; Mighty Man Speaking Righteousness; Spiritual Discernment; Bound to Lord Jesus Christ; Experience Scripture; Knowledge of the Law; Luciferians; Reincarnation; Artifical Intelligence


View this fascinating video on YouTube: 

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Tuesday, 04 April 2017 13:44

The Egg Of Creation

Question: After going through prior videos and yesterday's message again, I think I have a pretty good understanding now about the eggs and the chromosomes. Here are some last questions/thoughts:


1.       I want to make sure this part is right... when the two columns are blended completely into the middle column and we are ready for the Lord Jesus Christ to join with our Y (after the burning of the X, or fallen nature), will the YY that is formed from that union be a brand new creation?  (We do not know what we will be like, but we see Jesus.) Is this correct?

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