Christ Jesus

Displaying items by tag:Christ Jesus

Tuesday, 22 August 2017 18:00

Mind, Hell & Death - A New Book By Pastor Vitale

Pastor Sheila Vitale has written over 40 inspirational books on a wide variety of subjects. Her latest book, Mind, Hell & Death, provides new information about Daniel, Chapter 8 (including an Alternate Translation) as well as other related Bible chapters.


Pastor Vitale's books are available on in paperback and Kindle formats.

Published in Latest news
Tuesday, 04 April 2017 13:44

The Egg Of Creation

Question: After going through prior videos and yesterday's message again, I think I have a pretty good understanding now about the eggs and the chromosomes. Here are some last questions/thoughts:


1.       I want to make sure this part is right... when the two columns are blended completely into the middle column and we are ready for the Lord Jesus Christ to join with our Y (after the burning of the X, or fallen nature), will the YY that is formed from that union be a brand new creation?  (We do not know what we will be like, but we see Jesus.) Is this correct?

Published in Blog
Tuesday, 10 January 2017 14:00

2017 Conference - A Success!

We are very pleased at the wonderful turnout for our 2017 Living Epistles Ministries (LEM)/Christ-Centered Kabbalah (CCK) Conference, which was held in South Carolina. 


LEM/CCK brethren gathered together along with members of a local ministry for fellowship. 


See selected photos from the Conference on our Facebook page.

Published in Latest news
Thursday, 01 December 2016 15:28

New Books Published - November, 2016

November was a busy month for publishing new books. The following five books written by Pastor Vitale were published during the month of November:


Adam And The Two Judgments
Eagle Ascended
Mind Of The Spirit
The Woman In The Well

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