In Part 2 of her series, About Abraham, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale discusses many fascinating spiritual topics including: Leviathan, Spiritual Black Holes, Adam, Circumcision of the Heart, Son of God, Daughters of Adam, and much more.
Learn about Oral and Witten Law, Satisfying Sin, Seven Lamps of Fire, Ten Virgins and Migrating Souls in Pastor Sheila R. Vitale's latest video.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale provides us with an interesting insight into 1 Peter, Chapter 1. Topics include: The Anointing, True Prophecy, Kingdom of God, Judgment of Death and more.
In Part 5 of her series entitled Phinehas Is Elijah, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale delves into subjects including: Revelations, Warfare, Spirit is Everything, End of the Age, Longevity, Moses and more.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale continues with her series entitled, Phinehas Is Elijah. Pastor Vitale discusses topics including:
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale continues her series entitled Phinehas Is Elijah.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale discusses the Unification of the Name of God in her latest video, Phinehas Is Elijah.
Pastor Sheila R. Vitale has a new Alternate Translation to share. Pastor Vitale shares her wisdom on Isaiah, Chapter 66.
A Spiritual View Of The Fall is a new message from Pastor Sheila R. Vitale in which she discusses topics including Higher Soul, Lower Soul, Hybrid Soul, Gilgul, Ibur and much more.
In Part 4 of her series called About Adam, Pastor Sheila R. Vitale explores topics including Saved Through Judgment, Higher Soul, Lower Soul, Hybrid Soul, and much more.
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